The Oxfordshire Prestige Awards celebrates small and medium-sized enterprises consisting of localised businesses and sole traders that have thrived in their highly competitive community and have proven their success.
Over the past year 3,627 nominations were received by the awards team at Corporate Livewire by industry experts, readers and satisfied customers. Winners were chosen on their marketing and branding, business growth methods, customer experience, and approach to new ideas.
Awards Director, Rupert Hemingway, commented: “All winners in the awards guide have shown an exemplary commitment towards their business, overcoming local and global challenges to succeed in our awards. “We wish them a huge congratulations and look forward to celebrating their win throughout 2020”.
Chris Harris – Director of Harris Consultancy commented “We are absolutely thrilled to have received such a prestigious award from a recognised international publishing house, Harris Consultancy is less than a year old and we have been growing from strength to strength developing bright ideas for local business.
Our objective is to support local growth helping business owners improve their online digital presence, we create shiny easy to use websites and manage their social media presence ensuring they are fully embracing digital opportunities to succeed!”
About Corporate LiveWire:
Corporate LiveWire is brought to you by Fenice Media Ltd., a publishing house with an international presence. The company offers both printed and digital media offering news and insight to readers from around the world.
About Harris Consultancy:
Introducing Harris Consultancy, Working with small to medium businesses to develop and grow their online presence, we provide free ongoing business support in addition to our award-winning website and social media services.
Our popular pay monthly packages, gives every business the opportunity to afford first-class award-winning digital marketing from a local and committed company, who is passionate about helping you succeed.
Find out more about Corporate Livewire here: and for further information on our services click here.